Best way of attaching kumihimo end clasps to braids and cords
Note: Roughen the inside of the end cap for better adhesion.
1. Make a 'corkscrew' type whipping/wrap with a thinner thread such as C-Lon Micro Cord or C-Lon Bead Thread Size D. Corkscrew means that you leave space in between each wrap, while wrapping tightly around the ends. The space left between each turn of the wrap allows the glue to penetrate to the inner cords.
2. Glue ends together with Poly Zap. Let dry.
3. Cut the ends with snips or shears leaving enough glued length to insert into clasp. Check fit.
4. Glue the braid end into the clasp with Poly Zap, Zap Gel or Devcon 5-Minute Epoxy. Poly Zap and Zap Gel works well for leather cord with open end caps - Clamp in place with mini-clamps (see in Kumihimo Tools). 5-Minute Epoxy is best for closed end caps and Euro Magnets - Hold the clasp vertically while drying to keep the epoxy from spilling out.
> Adhesives