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C-Lon Tex 400 Cord
C-Lon Bead Cord
C-Lon Fine Weight Cord
C-Lon Micro Cord
C-Lon Beading Thread
KO Beading Thread
Chinese Knotting Cord
Shambhala Bracelet Kits
Ribbon + More
Satin Cord
Wrap Bracelet Kits
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for Bead Crochet
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PO Box 6776
Chico CA 95927, USA

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Marion Jewels in Fiber
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Customers comments , pictures of works done with supplies from this online store and links are posted courtesy of marion jewels in fiber.Comments are chosen at random and arranged by reverse date.
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July 7, 2012 - Hello Marion,

First, I wanted to say that I appreciate how quickly you shipped my order. Thanks. That's amazing. Second, I love the business card with the cord samples attached. As luck would have it, I had ordered a thread that was too fine for what I was going to use it for -- never fear though, it still has a purpose and I'm not looking to return it. But with your sample card, I can see which one I should have ordered. That's next on my list of "computer tasks". Anyway, thanks so much and its a pleasure doing business with such a conscientious company.


Shekeres or Chekeres
Shekeres or Chekeres

August 9, 2011- Here are my first 2 shekeres (1 shown on left). Much to learn still but I'm happy with first try.
Thanks for your input on cord, etc.

April 02, 2012 - I've made 4 chekeres and am working on a fifth... I used C-Lon Bead .5mm cord for the first couple and D& E flax cord for one. Although the .5mm allowed me to use finer decorative beads, it's a little thin, so I'll be using .090 C-Lon Tex 400 in the future. Most traditional chekeres I've seen have thicker, hemp and natural cord (even gut and sinew) but I doubt they are anywhere as strong as your nylon cord... I plan on making a traditional set for a Cuban folkloric style called Guiro and will be using natural seed and wood beads (high, medium and low pitched shakers) and need to have a thicker cord with some strength. I've seen them made with what looks like cotton rope but they look like the cord stretches and isn't very strong. FYI, the tonality of these instruments require a deeper, dryer sound than I've been getting so far. Increasing the size and frequency of beads, balancing the size throughout, as well as trying out different kinds of beads is what I'm having to work on... In general, people do seem to like what I've made, so I think I'm on the right track.

June 21, 2012 - Hi Marion,
Here are 3 chekeres (shown on right) made with the .090 cord (C-Lon Tex 400 Bead Cord) and the one with fewer beads with the .050 cord (C-Lon Bead Cord - Standard Size).
I don't know the cultural origins but in Cuba these beaded gourd shakers are usually larger and are spelled Chekere and the first syllable is pronounced 'check'. Other spellings include shekere, sekere, and the first syllable is more like 'sheck' or 'shake' depending on dialect. This is my very basic understanding of it.

Anyway, this is how I've progressed......
Best regards,

Neckpiece-Tamara Hill
Neckpiece-Tamara Hill

Occasionally I get to see someone progression up close. First when helping finding the right material and the exact cord to use... Sometimes I help along by suggesting a technique... In this instance making a 2-ply or 3-ply cord for the top cord so it is thicker than the rest of the work... Hey I have never made a Shekere so I can only help up to a certain point... My netting with beads is stricktly for jewelry... Thanks for the nice picture, Gary!

Shambhala Bracelets

June 13, 2012 - Thank you for the quick response in sending the PDF instructions, can't wait to try them out. One thing, I was hoping that there would illustrations on how to make the square knot. I can make the knot but not sure if it's the correct way. Of all of the instructions I have found on the internet, yours is the most detailed one and understandable one. Thanks again, Beverly/MD

On the same day I sent Berverly a pdf of the square knot. I use it when I teach in person, it is not as stand alone version, but it helps. Knowledge of the square knot is a prerequisite for the Shambhala bracelet as well as knowledge of the overhand knot.

June 11, 2012 - Praise for combining shipments and Shambhala Bracelets Supplies...

Thanks so much for combining orders and the refund. I really appreciate it! I originally just wanted the black, but then had a couple color special requests, so I went back on and ordered the colors. I will, without a doubt, be ordering more as these.

Shamballa bracelets are really taking off in my little town. I'm an elementary school teacher who has made jewelry for about 8 years and just took a class making these. I posted a couple on Facebook and within 24 hours had orders for about 100! So, needless to say when the cord arrives, I'm going to be a very busy girl! THANK YOU AGAIN! - Lesley/OH

Whenever we spot multiple orders, we combine them, re-calculate S&H based on the new combined total and refund as warranted...

Gown made with madeira Silks

June 11, 2012 - A very specail project done with Madeira Silks...

Several months ago, or more, I told you I would send you photos of the baby gown I made using the Madeira silk floss from you for the smocking and embroidery. I enjoyed working with you for supplies for this project. Every time I ordered from you, you replied with expedience and kindness!
My blog entry about this gown > http://stannequilting.blogspot.com/2012/02/silk-gown-was-made-for-my-sister-and.html Thank you! Carla Fiedler

This gown is amazing. Visit carla's blog for a full picture, plus the slip and the bag to store them. Silk is the very best material for heirloom quality work!


March 25, 2012 - I'm embarrassed to say ... I can not remember if I thanked you for such fast service. (I don't think I did!) So, thank you so much for getting my order out so quickly. I am very pleased with it. Also, thank you for the great tips you share on your website. I find purchasing supplies online to be such a challenge and I really appreciated that you explained things, shared experiences and gave examples. I will certainly be shopping with you again and reading your blog too! Thanks again, Michele/MI

March 3, 2012 - I received my order earlier this week and want to thank you for the excellent customer service! In addition to the quick delivery and the lovely knotting cord, I found your website to be very informative in helping me to select the materials best suited to my project. Your shop/website was the perfect antidote to the countless online stores that provided nothing more than the basic product specs. Thanks again! - Karen/OR

Jan 19, 2012 - I have just been to your page with info on cord sizes, qualities, etc. It was very helpful to me as I move to reclaim my macrame past and combine it with my ongoing bead weaving. Thread/cord sizes have been a true mystery to me but now I'll be able to find what will work with small beads because of the time you have taken to lay it all out for us. Thank you! Kathryn
January 11, 2012 - I just received my order for C-Lon fine weight Tex 135. I LOVE it. It tatts up beautifully with no kinks. The order came neatly packaged - the box is great - no spools rollong around in my thread stash. And thank you so much for the sample card. It is invaluable to have the actual threads in hand when making decisions about what to order, especially for someone like me who is very new to nylon thread. I will be ordering more from you in the future. - Barbara/NY
Kuminimo Kits

January 1, 2012 - My order arrived today (New Year Eve) and I'm so delighted I thought I'd let you know. I chose the Kumi w/ribbon, C-Lon & Magatamas kit from your website and it arrived in three days, contained everything promised and was accurately depicted on your site. I *loved* that the ribbon and CLlon were already cut and knotted together. Quite a time saver.

I'm a knitter/crocheter; brand new to kumi and haven't yet worked with many different materials. So I was slightly disappointed that the gorgeous ribbon lost some of it's shiny, delicate character when woven. Never having worked with ribbon, I didn't know what to expect. Next time I'd opt to use more monochromatic beads... However, with about 12" completed, the necklace still quite lovely and overall I'm very happy with the results. The silver end caps are just beautiful! I will order from you again, with pleasure and confidence. Sorry to run on so, but I felt you might like the feedback for a job very well done. Your own pieces are amazing, by the way! What talent! Thanks and Happy New Year! Kathleen/CT

Feedback is great - even when it point to things that could be improved... I have dedicated part this year to making more kits. Let's hope I can design some good ones - Happy New Year!


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