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C-Lon Bead Cord Sale
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C-Lon Tex 400 Cord
C-Lon Bead Cord
C-Lon Fine Weight Cord
C-Lon Micro Cord
C-Lon Beading Thread
KO Beading Thread
Chinese Knotting Cord
Shambhala Bracelet Kits
Ribbon + More
Satin Cord
Wrap Bracelet Kits
Thread Specs
for Bead Crochet
for Knitting + Kit
PO Box 6776
Chico CA 95927, USA

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Marion Jewels in Fiber
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The items, kits or jewelry sold on this site are not intended for children's jewelry.

Customers comments , pictures of works done with supplies from this online store and links are posted courtesy of marion jewels in fiber.Comments are chosen at random and arranged by reverse date.
Disclaimer: marion jewels in fiber does not endorse, sponsor or charge for the linked sites listed below nor takes any responsibility for any of the content nor any transactions you may enter in if you follow the links listed below.

Leather Wrap Bracelet Leather Wrap Bracelet
> About Leather Wrap Bracelets with Tila Beads

August 3, 2018 - Hi Marion - Thank you again for the pattern. Also, wanted to show you a riff I did on the Tila bracelet with a "beaded bead" I had made a few years back. Thanks! Pat from Oregon


> About Metallic Braided Cord

November 24, 2018 - Thanks for the order. I like the metallic copper cord. It was thin enough to add to a another cord as I braided and didn’t throw off the balance too much. Judy/Michigan

About going the extra mile...
October 31, 2018 - Thank you so much! I appreciate your fast, friendly service and especially appreciate you going the extra mile to include that last spool of c-lon thread! Many thanks for your excellence at attention to detail and helpfulness.
Linda at www.lindablackyoga.com

Metallic Braided Nylon Cord
Silk Thread

> About Fujix Tire Silk #16 Buttonhole Twist

October 30, 2018 - Dear Marion, Thank you for your excellent customer service. I did receive the button twist and look forward to making hand sewn buttonholes on a new jacket. I am sure that I will reorder in the future. Rachel from Illinois

This thread is available in so many colors. I use it for micro macrame and for beading projects. Many of my customer use it for hand tailoring... It is an amazingly strong silk thread! - Marion


> About Nylon #69

October 19, 2018 - Hi Marion, I have to tell you that your #69 nylon threads are really saving me from having to dye my own white thread to match gemstone beads. What a huge relief! I'm so excited not to have that burden anymore.
Thanks again, Debbie/Florida

I am glad it saves you steps and thank you for your note. Try C-Lon Micro Cord. I use it the same way as the nylon #69. To me, they are interchangeable and it just provides me with more color choices. - Marion

Thank you, Marion - I have tried C-Lon. Sometimes there is a slight difference in the thickness and softness of nylon #69 that makes it fit through tinier beads better.


Nylon #69
Customer's comments

About mistakes... Occasionally we pick and ship the wrong item... and here is what we do when it happens.

May 31, 2018 - Hi Marion. I got my order. Thank you. I hate to be a pain but I had ordered a black and the one I got looks a lot more like the sepia. I have attached a picture. Let me know what you think. I've also attached a couple of picture of some of the bracelets that I make with the c-lon cord. Thanks for your help and sorry for the hassle. Kalla/Wisconsin

May 31, 2018 - Hi Kalla, Yes, it looks like we sent you the wrong color. My apologies for this mistake and we will be glad to fix it immediately by sening you the missing Black Spool tomorrow. Is First Class Mail fast enough or do you want it speeded up to Priority? - Marion

May 31, 2018 - Thanks Marion. No need to rush that black or send it priority. And my comment about your store is : "The quality and colors of the c-lon cord from Marion Jewels in Fiber is excellent. The customer service has been outstanding. Marion has been great to work with and has promptly and happily answered my questions. She responded immediately when there was a mix up with one of my orders and fixed it was no hassles. Super pleased to be a regular customer." - Kalla/Wisconsin

Kalla makes bracelets to support a non-profit she runs, Heart2Heart Pet Lifeline. It helps low income pet owners pay for veterinary bills. 90% of her jewelry sold at small craft fairs goes to H2H.

May 2, 2018 - Marion, I did receive my order and I have already used the white cord to make a 20 inch kumi necklace with 11/0 pearl seed beads from which to hang a silver celtic cross I made from precious metal clay!! I am very glad I found you on line...thank you for your very prompt service...you will hear from me again! - Carolyn, Huntsburg Ohio

May 3, 2018 - Carolyn, Thanks for you nice note. Your piece sound lovely. May I quote you in my customers comment, First name and state? - Marion

May 3, 2018 - Marion, Yes, you absolutely may...I made a second kumi necklace this afternoon also! Hope you have a great weekend.Carolyn, Huntsburg Ohio


March 31, 2018 - Just wanted to let you know how helpful your business card is! I actually gasped when I saw the cords; I am new to fibers and have had such a hard time figuring out what size to order and your business card is much appreciated. Thank you, thank you! The amazingly fast shipping is also appreciated. Can't wait to get started on my projects. Have a great weekend! Heidy, Southgate, TX

August 16, 2017 - Just wanted to thank you! I received my order and I believe the thread will work. I really love the cards you sent with the different ribbons and cords!!!! Now I can really see the difference in sizes! Thank you sooooo much!!!!! Have a great day!!! Gayle from Cope, South Carolina

With most orders we include a business card with a sample of all 4 sizes of C-Lon Bead Cord. Occasianally we include ribbon or metallic thread samples. All usefull references for current and future projects.

C-Lon Business Card

January 28, 2018 - Thanks so much Marion. Everything arrived perfectly. You package orders so beautifully—I can hardly wait to try the kits. I appreciate all the extra effort that goes into your beautiful work. Sarah from Parma, Ohio

January 27, 2018 - Dear Marion, My order arrived quickly and in perfect shape . I appreciate the excellent service you always give and will continue to recommend you to students and artist friends. Best wishes, Judy from Orem Utah

January 23, 2018 - Hi Marion— My gorgeous kits arrived yesterday. Thanks so much for the beautiful packaging and lovely materials. I can’t wait until I can work on them. I am new to kumihimo so it may be a few days before I have time to sit and study the instructions and gain confidence to start them, but wanted to thank you right away! I love all the info on your website. I appreciate all the info and experience you share. Thanks for making my week! Sarah Sieradzki


> About Madeira 100% Silk Floss

August 15, 2017 - Wanted to pass along how pleased I was when I received my order of silk floss. The fiber samples and bookmark, included with order, made it special. The floss packaging is unique and works easily……..what a good idea! Thank you for your product and service! - Gretta, Macungie PA

Currently we are including the following samples in most of our orders: C-Lon Bead Cord, all 4 sizes; 3 types of Metallic cords, Shiny, Fine and Iridescent; Panaché Ribbon, 100% Nylon Ribbon, plus a bookmark compliment of the American Kumihimo Society.

Madeira Silk Floss
Kumihimo with PIP Beads

> About PIP Beads Kumihimo Bracelets

August 7, 2017 - It was fun to work on the pip flower bracelet. I especially like watching each flower build, petal by petal and plan to try a necklace in the near future. The tutorial was great and I picked up new and useful technique that I’ll use in future projects. Looking forward to the arrival of new kits! - Sharon from Teal Eve's Bead & Fiber Jewelry on Etsy in Portland Oregon

August 3, 2017 - I am so impressed with your fast service! Thanks so much. - Sharon from Richmond/KY
July 26, 2017 - I got my order today and I want you to know that you have a customer for life! Shipping was super speedy and I appreciate that you combined my orders and refunded the 2nd shipping charge. That is GREAT customer service. Thank you! Donna from Santa Rosa Beach/FL
March 17, 2017 - I found the information on your website so helpful that I decided not to even look online for a better price. Not only do you explain the different kinds of cords and thread, you carry all the C-Lon colors and even comment on them. And you share your experiences with the different brands of thread burner. And there is more information on your site that I haven't even gotten to yet. In gratitude, I will go to you first for any product you might carry. - Peggy from Los Altos/CA
> About the Metallics

I sent many samples of the metallics to be tested. Here is one of the response... and based on my experience and on Josée, I do not recommend it for micro macrame or any kind of knotting. It is too hard on the cord.

December 30, 2016 - Hi Marion, I made a sample with the thread you sent me so here's my feedback (I'll make my best to describe it, I'm French speaking so I might sound weird sometimes). So after testing it, I don't recommand it for macramé.
I sent you a picture of my sample. Don't mind the pattern, I didn't have any, I just "free-knotted" the thing.
The thread is beautiful, smooth and shiny (the hazelnut is sooo beautiful!) but it's too thin for macramé, plus you can see the middle white thread showing through on every knot (you will see it in the picture attached), and after a while, the thread kind of stretches and the shiny cost gets unrolled and showing more and more of the middle white thread (you'll see it too in the picture, mostly on the upper thread).
The pattern of the knots isn't clear, kind of blurry because of the shine, the middle thread, and because it doesn't stay smooth after being knotted.

The sample in the pic is 2 cm long. I tried another small sample, by mixing the shiny thread with a C-Lon beading thread and it's not really interesting either. It probably would be prettier with an exact color match (which I didn't have). So I'll stick with C-Lon Bead Cord. I hope this helps. - Josée from Quebec

Metallic Cord
Metallic Cord

November 28, 2016 - Hello Marion, My package arrived today. Hopefully the Post Office can compensate you for resending my order. I will be placing an order for micro cord by the end of the week. The colors, product, and customer service are all top notch. Thank you from your customer for life, - Shannon from The MalaTheMission on Etsy

Occasionally a package gets delivered to the wrong place or get lost... We re-ship!


Oops, we sent GO instead of OG, that dyslexia... but once we were made aware of our mistake we shipped the CLC-OG and Janet got to keep the gold.

September 6, 2016 - Wow what great service! Thanks -I love gold & will be able to use it. I'm about to visit my daughter & her husband in San Francisco Wednesday to Tuesday. Wish you were closer! I'd love to meet you & see your work. I'm so very tempted to try & come to BABE (Bay Area Bead Extravaganza in Oakland in November)! Take care & keep knotting! Janet from JGBRainbowDesigns on Etsy.com

August 31, 2017 - Hi, I received your very nicely labeled cords today - just placed an order. Many thanks!!! Looking forward to having fun with those beautiful colors! I really appreciate your sending the samples - so clear and I could try it out with beads/crochet hooks. Best, Nancy from San Carlos CA
String Art with C-Lon Tex 400 Bead Cord
String Art with C-Lon Tex 400 Bead Cord

May 11, 2016 - Thank you again for all of your help! I have attached a couple of photos of the mock up I made so you can see how all of this cord is going to be used! Thanks again, Matt from Chicago

String Art done with C-Lon Tex 400 Bead Cord. This is a mock up for a larger scale iece that was done for a Garden Show in the Netherlands. Can't wait to see the larger project...

Chinese Knotting Cord Tassels

> About Chinese Knotting Cord Size E to Make Tassels

April 2, 2016 - Hello, I just ordered some Chinese knotting cord from you and am having a wonderful time making tassels with it! I run the shop GlowCreek on Etsy and have always gone to your shop first for my cording needs! Your selection is fantastic and service is A++++! Thanks you again! :) Laura from Nathalie/VA

March 28, 2016 - Hello Marion, Just received my recent order and was delighted to find your sweet gift inside - I can always use more clips and T-pins and that was so thoughtful!You are a great resource, both of supplies and information! Thank you! Kate from www.KateFowle.com
February 15, 2016 - Dear Marion, I just want to thank you for the excellent service and care you gave to my order last week. I needed KNK silk thread for my bookbinding class at BYU tomorrow and not only did you have all of the colors I was looking for but you packaged it in speedy fashion and sent it Priority Mail so that it could make it to Utah in time. The package arrived Saturday. Yay!!! And when I opened it I found that you had attractively packaged the two orders of threads in lovely little nylon gift bags! It was an unexpected surprise. So I want to express my appreciation for the extra effort you made for me especially when you weren’t feeling well. That kind of customer service is a rare thing anymore and it is a pleasure to find someone who still provides it so well. I have added your business to the list of recommended suppliers on my class syllabus and look forward to future contact with you. Best wishes, - Judy from Orem/Utah
January 12, 2016 - I am so impressed with your service and attentiveness, not to mention the website, which is teaching me all about thread and everything else? This is all brand new to me!- Kathy/Napa CA

November 16, 2015 - As usual Marion, you are prompt and quick to reply and correct any errors. I hate it when my human side shows too. As I have said before, I love working with your products they are the best quality I have found. Your fast and courteous service are a plus too! Thank you much. Donna Marie/TX

Occasionally orders get messed up, by us packing the wrong stuff, by the post office or UPS, and sometimes by the buyer not entering their new shipping address or ordering the wrong stuff... When that happens, we do our very best to address the issue in a timely manner.


> About the Kumihimo Bracelet with Long Magatamas and C-Lon Tex 400 Bead Cord Kits

July 2, 2015- Great bracelet. Grandkids each want one! - Dona A/visiting in Napa CA

February 25, 2015 - Hi! I just placed an order with you and just now received an email that included my tracking information! Thanks so much for the speedy response - it's unexpected and wonderful news! I am eager to get my goodies and look forward to having a fun weekend with them. Monique/Austen TX

Kumihimo Bracelet with Long Magatamas & C-Lon Tex 400 Bead Cord
January 19, 2015 - Hi Marion. The package arrived on Friday and the kit is amazing. Thank you, Lynne/Canada
Turkish Flat Bead Crochet Bracelet

> About the Princess Warrior Bracelet Kits

October 3, 2014 - Thank you, this is one of the BEST set of instructions I have encountered. I am enjoying getting back to my beaded crochet pieces.
Thanks, Judy from Arizona


September 20, 2014

Fiber Art with Turkish Crochet

The two attached photos are of a piece I've completed using Turkish flat braid as the finishing design component. For that, I thank you. When I have a creative lull in my work, I make bracelets and since I discovered your website, I've used your tutorials. So merrily crocheting away, wondering what what would work to delineate the undulating lines, I had a "duh" moment and "Convergence" then received its final design piece. Please don't ever stop creating...your work is beautiful.

Best regards,

Cory A/Utah

Fiber Art with Turkish Crochet

Wow, I am so impressed. I had a chance to see this quilt in person in October 2015 at the Pacicif Internation Quilt Festival in Santa Clara. It won a prize at that show too and got a lot of attention. I am glad when my creativity continues on and triggers more creativity in others. Close up, we can see how the Turkish Flat Braid Crochet adds to the design composition. - Marion

Shambhala Bracelets

More about Shambhala Bracelet Kits

June 21, 2014 - I admire your work and I had fun doing your Shambhala bracelet kits. I especially like your closure directions. Millicent/CA

March 7, 2014 - I ordered three Shambala kits. They came sooner than I expected (a very nice surprise). The kits are very complete, easy to use, and very pretty when complete. Thank you. Kim/Lynn MA


June 21, 2014 - Hi Marion, I received my order yesterday. Thank you for shipping it so fast. I love the threads, and the sample of the types of different threads were very helpful. I will definitely be placing orders in the future. I love your website. It is informative, helpful, and easy to navigate. Lynne/Hawai

April 17, 2014 - Thank you very much for talking to me today about beaded crochet and for the wonderful kit that I bought previously! It was VERY helpful! I’m going to try all the suggestions you made for that invisible join technique and if you do write a tutorial for it please let me know. I don’t want to give up on it! Also, I would appreciate help with making my own beaded crochet designs if you are able to find any info on that.

Thank you very much for your wonderful site and I really do wish I lived close so that I could take classes. But for now you have been a great help. Keep up the good work. - Terry/South Carolina


March 10 , 2014 - Thanks Marion for the exceptionally fast service on my recent order. I am amazed that the package arrived here in Missouri today! And also thank you for sending the snips of four blue colors. It really helps to see them in real life.
Again, thanks. It's nice doing business with you. Julia/Missouri


Oct 28, 2013 - I received my order today, Transaction ID 6GH775386W210430T, thank you! I love it! I just wanted to let you know though, the way it was packaged, sealed inside of a USPS envelope, the kind that are completely invincible without the use of scissors. Which is nice that nothing can get in to ruin the contents, but the ribbon handle of the beach bag kit was folded into the top part of the envelope and when I used scissors to open it, I snipped a chunk right out of the middle of the handle. Thought you might want to know that so it doesn't happen to anyone else. Thank you so much for time! I love your website, it has the best and most informative information out there! Thank you again. Tami/CA

Oct 28, 2013 - Hi Tami, Thanks for your note. We will need to be more careful when packaging. I will send you a replacement bag tomorrow. Thank you! - Marion

November 1, 2013 - Hi Marion, I received the replacement bag along with the extra clips today. Thank you so much, that was very kind of you! My mom actually found your site and always refers to it, I'm glad she did! I told my friend about your site as well. Can't wait to try out the kumihimo loom! Thanks to your site and the beach kit, I have everything to get started! So excited! Thank you again! Hope you have a happy and safe Halloween! Kind regards, - Tami

Feedback is great - even when it point to things that could be improved.
We will gladly correct any problems that comes up - always! - Marion

Kuminimo Kits

Nover 28, 2012 - Hi Marion. I'm just finishing your "Golden Berries" kumihimo/bead cluster kit. Wow! The colors are fantastic and the bead clusters really do look like exotic berries. I love it. I'm going to order another kit but before I do, I was wondering if you sell or can tell me where to buy that beautiful gradated ribbon yarn? The changes of color are fantastic. So much nicer than plain or swirled colors.
Cindy Lee/ http://home.comcast.net/~ezmaclee/

We are now offering just the knitted variegated ribbon - it is called Panache and is available in a wide range of colors. > Ribbon


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