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C-Lon Tex 400 Cord
C-Lon Bead Cord
C-Lon Fine Weight Cord
C-Lon Micro Cord
C-Lon Beading Thread
KO Beading Thread
Chinese Knotting Cord
Shambhala Bracelet Kits
Ribbon + More
Satin Cord
Wrap Bracelet Kits
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for Bead Crochet
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Marion Jewels in Fiber
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JewelsinFiber on Etsy

The items, kits or jewelry sold on this site are not intended for children's jewelry.
NEWS | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 < 2016 > 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06
Metallic Cords for Kumihimo

December 14 - New Metallic Cord for Kumihimo - Just in!

Soft and pliable metallic cords perfectly suited for kumihimo. Has high sheen and metallic luster. Great for blending into braids for metallic accents!

I have been looking for metallic cords, but until these I have shied away. The other metallic cords were either too fragile, had no tensile strength, or they would be rough against the skin. Try these new metallics and let me know what you think. If you like them as much as I do, I will expand the color range.

10 Shiny Metallic Colors with a Metallic Wire Look
4 Iridescent Metallic Colors that Change as they are Moved
+ 10 Fine Metallic Colors


December 10 - 100% Nylon Ribbon for Kumihimo - NEW JUST ADDED!

Hand dyed in the USA in solid colors or tonal variations. Super shimmery, strong, yet super soft. Knitted tube construction, flattens to a 4mm wide ribbon. Sold in 12 yard card. Perfect for kumihimo braids - use it by itself or for blending. The knitted ribbon can accommodate larger hole beads such as Magatamas, and most seed beads Size 5 & 6.

Available in 31 Hand Dyed Colors

> 100% Nylon Ribbon for Kumihimo


100% Nylon Hand Dyed Ribbon for Kumihimo
Crown Knotting & Fiber Ending Bracelet Kit & Tutorial

November 23 - Crown Knotting & Fiber Endings Bracelet Kit & Tutorial

Hey, it's here finally. Crown Knotting is the best way to string beads. Find out Why! Plus get instructions on the easy method to tie Crown Knots on a Mini K-Disk and how finish the ends with sophisticated integrated ending.

I am super happy with this kit and tutorial. The tutorial has already grown from 17 pages to 22 pages since BABE. If you got the kit at BABE already, revist the PDF page and get the latest version! - Marion

Check it out at > Crown Knotting & Fiber Endings Bracelet Kit & Tutorial

September 16 - New Magnetic End Clasps for Kumihomo - New Colors & Types > Findings 2 & Findings 3
Could not resist these new colors, especially the copper tones!
Antique Copper Magnetic End Clasps for KumihimoAntique Copper Magnetic End Clasps for KumihimoAntique Silver Magnetic End Clasps for KumihimoAntique Brass Magnetic End Clasps for KumihimoBlack Oxide Magnetic End Clasps for KumihimoBarrel Shaped Magnetic End Clasps for Kumihimo

September 12 - Chinese Knotting Cord - New Colors & Sizes

Size H - 0.6 mm in diameter - 29 New Colors
This size is perfect for square knot bracelets, Bollywood knotted bracelets.

New Size E - 04 mm in diameter - 25 New Colors
This is the thinnest size available. This cord is a very high quality, smoothly braided nylon cord from Chin, just a tad thinner and silkier than than the regular Size E.

August 30 - New Panaché Ribbon Just in - Just Added 6 New Colorways!

Perfect for kumihimo braids.... Here are two of the new colorways, Copper River and Taos. Get mini or full skeins > Panache Ribbon

Ribbon for Kumihimo Ribbon for Kumihimo Ribbon of kumihimo Ribbon of kumihimo
New Metal Buttons

August 23- New Buttons Just In

Including this new Gold Finished Deco Button. It comes in two sizes, 20mm and 28mm. > Gold Buttons


August 18 - Tibetan Buddhist 5 Color Cord

Usually, yellow, green, red, black, and white, with sometimes blue substituted for black. The five colors represent the five elements and the five pure energetic lights. Black or blue symbolizes sky and space; white, air and wind; red, fire; green, water, and yellow, earth. According to Tibetan traditional medicine, health and harmony are produced through the balance of these five elements.

These cords are jewelry quality cords. They are braided evenly. All the sizes are suitable for jewelry projects. They are available in 5 or 10 yard bobbins and in full spools.

Now available in Spools
+ in 4 Sizes

> Tibetan Buddhist 5 Color Braided Cord


Tibetan Buddhist 5 Color Cord
Shop on Etsy

August 7 - OPEN TODAY!

Hey, check it out - it is brand new. So far, 25 items are posted. 4 are DIY Tutorials and they can be instantly downloaded... So it will be faster for you, and for me too!

I plan to enlarge all the sections and add more tutorials with instant download on the Etsy platform. So visit often as I will be adding items. Go shop and get a chance to be the very first buyers on my Etsy Shop. As a thank you, anyone making a purchase now will get a 10% off coupon valid for 1 month. Enjoy! - Marion

Visit and browse > JewelsinFiber Shop on Etsy


July 27 - Comparing Colors:
C-Lon Bead Cord, C-Lon Tex 400 Bead Cord, Kanagawa & Fujix Tire Silk, & Chinese Knotting Cord Size E

This project was started on July 14th after receiving an email requesting matches between C-Lon Tex 400 Bead Cord and Kanagawa/Fujix Tire Silk. It has been on my to do list for a while, but I kept putting it off, as it is time consuming.

The first step was getting the colors of KNK and FJX organized together by colors. That got done on July 2nd - see below.

As of today all the colors are done. Large pictures are posted and a PDF document listing all the C-Lon colors and their equivalent or closest matches in silk can be downloaded or printed. The large pictures are also a great way to compare C-Lon colors! > Comparing Colors

Comparing Colors
Barefoot Sandlas

July 14 - Barefoot Sandals - DIY Tutorial

A perfect crochet summer project!

Barefoot sandals is a fabulous way to decorate your feet for a day at the beach, a beach wedding, for walking around the house barefoot in summer, or hanging out by a pool...

Barefoot sandals can also be worn in combination with pumps, or in addition to regular sandals.

> Barefoot Sandals DIY Tutorial

> Bead & Button Packages

> Get C-Lon Tex 400 Bead Cord

> Get Buttons

Over July 4th weekend I designed barefoot sandals out of existing bracelet kits. I wore this pair on July 4th at a pool party. This pair is made with Miyuki Baroque Pearls and White C-Lon Tex 400 Bead Cord.


July 2 - Merging Silk

Ever since I brought in the Fujix Tire Silk in, I have been working with two separate drawers, one with the Kanagawa 1000 Denier Embroidery Silk, and the other with the Fujix Tire #16 Buttonhole Twist. Since the quality of the two brands is equivalent, merging the two brands has been on my wish list for a long time. But of course any major change like this necessitated an update of the jpegs to match the current dye lots plus a complete reshuffle of the colors.

The silk is now on several pages, starting with Black & White and ending with Blues > KNK-FJX Silks

If you wish to print a color chart > Get PDF

Silk Kanagawa and Fujix Tire

June 25 - Tassels - Continued...

A Mala Tutorial is now available on my blog. This tutorial is my gift to you, it's free!

Mala Tutorial

Check the new tutorial on making Malas... One is made with mostly 6mm beads, the other with 8mm beads. They are strung on a double C-Lon Bead Cord and knotted in between each 108 beads. > Mala Tutorial

If you are interested in making the tassels. I spend a fair amount of time experimenting with various materials For larger, more substantial tassels, I chose a symmetrical construction. I tested these larger tassels with Griffin Silk Size 8, Kanagawa Silk, and Chinese Knotting Cord. I like them all, but my favorite ones are the ones made with Chinese Knotting Cord Size E, the thinnest Micro Size 0.4mm Ø.
> DIY Tutorial for Large Tassels

Here is another free tutorial on silk tassels. > Silk Tassels for Jewelry


June 7 - Zamack Bracelet Bead Sliders

Just added. These sliders match the Euro Magnet Clasps and are very popular in Europe. I use them with handmade cord. The 3-ply and 4-ply cords are made with C-Lon Bead Cord or any other brands of bonded nylon. > Zamack Sliders
> Want to learn how to make your own 3-ply cord?

Zamack Bracelet Bead SlidersZamack Bracelet Bead SlidersZamack Bracelet Bead Sliders

Zamack Bracelet Bead Sliders
Sweet Spot by Causey & Daniell

Large Installation with C-Lon Tex 400

Occasionally the cord that most of us use to make jewelry ends up in an entirely different type of project.

Check out 'Sweet Spot' a large scale installation by Shawn Causey and Mark Daniel and look at pictures showing the piece in process.

> More about 'Sweet Spot'



May 27 - New Colors of Chinese Knotting Cord

The last boxes with new items have been unpacked, organized, and inventoried. All the colors have been identified, tagged or named, and added online. We now offer one of the widest ranges of sizes and colors available online. Here is what's new:

- 38 new colors of Chinese Knotting Cord 1.2-1.5mm New Medium Weight are now available in 10 yard bobbins and 50 yd spools.
> 1.2-1.5mm New Medium Weight Chinese Knotting Cord

- Tibetan Buddhist 5 Color Braided Cord in three sizes.
> Tibetan Buddhist 5 Color Braided Cord

Chinese Knotting Cord
Bracelet Sizing - Bracelet Length vs Wrist Size  + Bracelet Length Calculator

May 18 - Bracelet Sizing - Bracelet Length vs Wrist Size
+ Bracelet Size Calculator

Have you ever made a bracelet for yourself or someone else, and when you were all finished, it was either too snug or too loose?

Check this new guide for making bracelets that fit. It is especially important for bracelets that have a certain thickness, such as beaded kumihimo bracelets, bracelets with large beads and any other types of bracelet that are not flat like a measuring tape...

I received a question about the actual length of the Kumihimo Bracelet with Long Magatamas & Tex 400 and one long email later, I decided that all my research and thought on the subject needed to be posted.

Then I started making a table with actual calculations, but the possible numbers were too large especially if measuring in inches and centimeters. So I decided that an online calculator would be much better. > Bracelet Size Calculator


April and May - Incoming Shipments and New Items Added...

Lots of boxes just came in with new items. Here is what we already added:

New Colors of Chinese Knotting Cord 0.7mm Extra Fine, 0.5mm Micro Size G, all available in 10 yd bobbins and many are also available in 50 yd spools; Ergonomic Clear Kumihimo Handles for Kumihimo Disks; 1mm and 2mm 100% Nylon Satin Cord. More boxes with more Chinese Knotting Cord will be opened next and more boxes are on the way. Choices, lots of choices, as a designer that's what it's all about, but truly I am running out of space to store it all!

Nylon Satin Cord

March 2016 - Tassels - Continued...

One of the latest trends in jewelry is tassels. They are featured on Malas, attached to bracelets, earrings, and more...

Tassels for Malas Tutorial

After receiving a number of inquiries regarding the best material to use for tassels, I tested all the silk I carry and wrote the first free tutorial.
> Silk Tassels for Jewelry

Continuing with experimentation, but this time with larger, more substantial tassels, I went with a symmetrical construction. I tested these larger tassels with Griffin Silk Size 8 and Kanagawa Silk and Chinese Knotting Cord. I like them all, but my favorite ones are the ones made with Chinese Knotting Cord Size E, the thinnest Micro Size about 0.4mm in diameter.
> Free Large Tassel Tutorial

Check the new tutorial on making Malas... This one has 8mm beads and is strung on a double C-Lon Bead Cord, knotted in between each 108 bead. > Mala Tutorial


March 24 - Cord Zap by BeadSmtih - an Extra Strong Burner
Just arrived - Needs 2 AA batteries, not provided. Designed for heavy cords and heavy duty application.

It gets red-hot the fastest - will be testing it for the next month and report back... > Tools/Thread & cord Burners

Knit Bracelet Kits with Gemstone Chips
Just photographed and added, so more material & choices for this very popular kit. A bracelet can be knitted in an evening!
> Knitted Bracelet Kits

Cord Zap Extra Strong  Burner
Knit Bracelet KitKnit Bracelet KitKnit Bracelet KitKnit Bracelet KitKnit Bracelet KitKnit Bracelet KitKnit Bracelet KitKnit Bracelet Kit
cord making tool kit

March 21 - Cord Making Tool Kit

This tool kit is designed to work with a reversible cordless drill. Attach the single hook to a table with the C-clamp, the bar with the 4 hooks onto a chair with the small bungies. Then insert the hook drill attachment into a reversible drill and you are all set to make your own cords. > Cord Making Tool Kit

This tool kit comes with 1 wood bar with a single hook, a 2 inch C-clamp, 1 wood bar with 4 hooks, 1 attachment for a reversible drill with a hook, 2 mini-bungie cords, and PDF directions on how to make 2-ply and 3-ply cords, plus a chart with diameter sizes of cord made with C-Lon Bead Cord and ideas for bracelets. Order this kit now, the first batch is ready to ship. The PDF instructions are sent by email and also available by themselves. > PDF Instructions

> More about this tool kit on blog post


March 21 - Griffin Jewelry Silk - 100% Beading Silk on Spools

This silk is a super high quality silk imported from Germany. More info is available on this silk on the following posts: > Comparing Cards versus Spools
and > Make your own 2-ply cord with Griffin Silk

I just got Amber and Jade directly from Germany. However it appears that this silk is being discontinued, so yes get it while you can! > Griffin Jewelry Silk

Griffin Jewelry Silk - 100%  Beading Silk on Spools Griffin Jewelry Silk - 100%  Beading Silk on Spools
New Spools of Fujix Tire Silk #16 Buttonhole Twist
March 7 - Fujix Tire Silk # 16 Buttonhole Twist on Spools

New 200 m (220 yd) spools designed for tailoring just came in. They are great for anyone wanting a larger output.

The colors other than Black & White are new colors with no exact equivalent from existing Fujix Tire Silk colors. The closest color available in cards has been placed in the picture for color comparison. > Fujix Tire Silk Spools

Chinese Knotting Cord
February 10 - New Chinese Knotting Cord just came in.

Lots of new colors of Micro Size E, a fabulous size for tassels. Tassel made with braided nylon behave well; the skirts don't fly around or get tangled. A tutorial on larger tassels made with Chinese Knotting Cord is next on my agenda, so stay tuned. In the meantime you can check this post > Silk Tassels for Jewelry.

See and compare sizes with close-up pictures of actual cords > Compare Cord Sizes

> Shop for Chinese Knotting Cord with 10 yd Bobbins, 82 yd Skeins & Spools

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