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C-Lon Tex 400 Cord
C-Lon Bead Cord
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Shambhala Bracelet Kits
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2024 NEWS
Griffin Jewelry Silk on Spools

> Griffin Jewelry Silk
FINAL SALE | Sorry, sold out

The is the very last spool of this available for $5.00:

  • Coral Size 6/F - 1 Spool

This is the very same silk that's used for the Griffin Silk on Cards before it is twisted into a 2-ply cord and a needle is attached at one end.

No longer manufactured
> Final Sale at over 50% Off

C-Lon Bead Thread

October 16, 2024
> C-Lon Bead Thread Size D

Great news - C-Lon Bead Thread Size D is getting manufactured again and Black and White are available in large 3 oz spools for volume users. However the new prices are much higher and will be reflected on the new stock.

C-Lon Bead Thread Size D AvailibilityC-Lon Bead Thread Size D Availibility

C-Lon Bead Thread Size D is a monocord, a very lightly twisted and bonded one-ply thread almost like a floss. It is used for many beading applications with fine beads.

> C-Lon Bead Thread Size D | Tex 45 | 7 lb Breaking Strength

WildFire by Beadalon

October 2024 > Dancing Skeleton Necklace Kit and Skull Beads

This is a fun necklace to wear at this time of the year. Get the tutorial and necklace kit and make fun jewelry for yourself, your family, and your friends for Dia De Los Muertos, Halloween, or any other day of the year!

Calavera Skull Beads to make Dancing Skeleton JewelryCalavera Skull Beads to make Dancing Skeleton JewelryWildFire by Beadalon

Make a neaclace and a pair or earrings, and a few amulet with leftover beads and cord with the kit. For the dancing skeletons pendants and earrings, check the free online tutorial HERE.

> Dancing Skeleton Necklace Kit and Skull Beads

Kumihimo Bead Cluster Bracelet & Necklace Kits

September 21, 2024 | NEW COLOR
Bead Cluster Kumihimo Kits

Coffee & Denim... This colorway came as a request. It is perfect with all the denim in fashion this fall and winter.

Check all the other colorways, such as Cashmere. Taos, Earl Grey Rose and more...

Kumihimo Bead Cluster Bracelet & Necklace KitsKumihimo Bead Cluster Bracelet & Necklace Kits
Kumihimo Bead Cluster Bracelet & Necklace KitsKumihimo Bead Cluster Bracelet & Necklace Kits

> Bead Cluster Kumihimo Kits

Chain Stitch Bead Crochet Tutorial

August 14, 2024 - NEW KITS
> Drop Bead Necklace Kits

Fall in love with these drop-shaped beads, the chain stitch bead crochet sennits, and the necklaces made for them. The necklaces made with these kits are fun to make, lightweight, and comfortable to wear.

Chain Stitch Bead CrochetChain Stitch Bead CrochetChain Stitch Bead Crochet
Project 4 | Chain Stitch Bead Crochet Tutorial

Chain stitch a bead crochet necklace with Czech Drop Beads, Miyuki 8/0s, one metallic button, and C-Lon Fine Weight Bead Cord - Tex 135.

If you are new to this technique start with Project 1 HERE. If you are already experienced, jump start to this kit available in 11 luscious colors.

> Get a Full Kit, or a Bead Pack

Chain Stitch Bead Crochet Tutorial

August 14, 2024 - NEW TUTORIAL
> Chain Stitch Bead Crochet

Learn one of the main bead crochet techniques and the simplest one through gradual projects.

Chain Stitch Bead CrochetChain Stitch Bead CrochetChain Stitch Bead Crochet

Project 1 to 3 - Single and Multiple Wrap Bracelets and Necklaces

The tutorial includes 4 projects, with step-by-step instructions, and technical tips to elevate your bead crochet jewelry-making skills to a professional level.

If you are new to this technique start with project 1. If you are already experienced you can jump start to Project 4 shown on the next entry.

> All Bead Crochet Techniques

4mm Czech Fire Polished Beads for Jewelry Making

August 9, 2024
> 4mm Czech Fire Polished

50 Colors | 25 New Colors

Here is the new group of beads that just got added. These beads are very versatile and have so many finishes.

4mm Czech Fire Polished Beads for Bracelets with C-Lon Tex 400 Cord

View the first group of 25 colors

View the bead listings and get inspired by examples of jewelry made with these beads.

Get the beads, the cords, and the tutorials and have fun with so many exotic colors and finishes.

> 4mm Czech Fire Polished

Tibetan Knot Bracelet Tutorial | Learn Interlocking Snake Knots the Easy Way!

July, 2024 Featured Kit
Perfect for Long Summer Days
> Tibetan Knot Bracelet Kit

Perfect project for sharing with kids or grand kids outdoors... Everything you need comes in the $32 bag, 4 projects with enough cord to make 10 to 11 bracelets. So it can be a group project.

Tibetan Knot BraceletTibetan Knot Bracelet

I have personally tested this kit using only the bag's contents and a thread burner, and it works. I even added a ruler right into the tutorial, so you do not even need one. The snake knots are tied right in your hands; no tools are needed. The sliding clasps and endings can be done on a table and even on your knees, so you can bypass the recommended macrame board.

C-Lon Bead Cord News

May 20, 2024
> C-Lon Bead Cord | Tex 210

White is back. This colors has been out of stock in the standard C-Lon Bead Cord Tex 210 size with a 0.5 mm in diameter. An essential color for summer and winter.

C-Lon Bead Thread News

> Twisted S-Lon Thread Size D

NEW 2-Ply Black S-Lon Tex 45
Best for the warp in loom beading projects and for stringing fine beads. The thread will not flatten like the regular C-Lon and S-Lon Bead Thread as the 2 ply are twisted and bonded together. The plies will not split when the thread is cut. 144 bobbins available.

New Chinese Knotting Cord

May 2, 2024
> Space Dyed Chinese Knotting Cord

Space Dyed Chinese Knotting CordSpace Dyed Chinese Knotting CordSpace Dyed Chinese Knotting Cord

Turquoise Variation the colorway for bracelet stack is back in stock.
+ 1 NEW Color:
Rose Variation
For more info on the bracelet stacks,
check this post.

Space Dyed Chinese Knotting CordSpace Dyed Chinese Knotting CordSpace Dyed Chinese Knotting Cord

This cord is great for crochet bracelets.
Check the Turkish Crochet Bracelets
Tutorial + Video

Space Dyed Chinese Knotting CordSpace Dyed Chinese Knotting CordSpace Dyed Chinese Knotting CordSpace Dyed Chinese Knotting CordSpace Dyed Chinese Knotting Cord

+ 2 NEW Colors
Just in, Jade Variation and AquaLav
> Space Dyed Chinese Knotting Cord

Space Dyed Chinese Knotting CordSpace Dyed Chinese Knotting CordSpace Dyed Chinese Knotting Cord

+ 1 NEW Color
Just in, Blues'n Tan. This will be it for a while as all of my suppliers of this cord are sold out!

C-Lon Bead Cord News

March 27, 2024
C-Lon Bead Cord News

C-Lon Bead Cord NewsC-Lon Bead Cord News

Latte is back. This colors has been out of stock in the standard C-Lon Bead Cord size for a very long time. This a to go color when looking for a neutral light brown with a slight warm overtone.

Popsicle Orange has been discontinued in the standard CLC size. I have 9 spools left and C-Lon is sold out, and will not be reordering it. Popsicle Orange is one of the 8 colors added in 2015. That still leave us with many other orange tones available.

> C-Lon Bead Cord | Tex 210 with 0.5 mm Ø


March 22, 2024 | Kumihimo Kits with PIP Beads | NEW COLORS

Preciosa PIP beads

PIP beads are simply perfect for kumihimo. I fell in love with these small petal-shaped beads and designed kits with them starting in 2017. As of March 2024, I have added new colors and revisited and updated the tutorials. Many of the colorways are many limited to the PIP beads stock on hand. Czech PIP beads are hard to get and often impossible to reorder due to the high minimum ordering quantities. I hope you will love the new colors as much as I do!

Kumihimo Jellyfish Earring Kit with PIP Beads and a Beaded Tassel

New in Coral Beach Colors...

Transparent Peach Fuzz and Apricot Crush PIP beads with a touch of metallic luster and bright magenta pink, plus transparent peach-lined Miyuki beads, all with an iridescent aurora borealis finish.

And yes, the colors match perfectly with the Pantone and Coloro 2024 Colors of the Year. See the January entry below.

DIY Kumihimo Bracelet Kit with PIP BeadsDIY Kumihimo Bracelet Kit with PIP BeadsDIY Kumihimo Bracelet Kit with PIP Beads
> Bracelet and Necklace Kits

DIY Kumihimo Earring Kit with PIP BeadsDIY Kumihimo Earring Kit with PIP BeadsDIY Kumihimo Earring Kit with PIP Beads
> Coral Beach Earring Kits

Kumihimo Bracelet Kit with PIP Beads

New in Black Iris Colors...

The name of this color is a play on words for a deep, iridescent metallic finish with green and pink accents for the PIP beads, plus a metallic iris finish for the Miyuki beads with a black oxide toggle clasp.

Kits in this colorway are available for bracelets in the Flower PIP design and for necklaces and bracelets in the Half Round design.

DIY Kumihimo Bracelet Kit with PIP BeadsDIY Kumihimo Earring Kit with PIP BeadsDIY Kumihimo Bracelet Kit with PIP Beads
> Bracelet and Necklace Kits

DIY Kumihimo Earring Kit with PIP BeadsDIY Kumihimo Earring Kit with PIP BeadsDIY Kumihimo Earring Kit with PIP Beads
> Black Iris Earring Kits

Kumihimo Jellyfish Earring Kit with PIP Beads and a Beaded Tassel

New in Blue Moon Colors...

Transparent blue colors are framed with silver with transparent light sapphire silver lined Miyuki beads.

This colorway is available in the Duo PIP Flower design for the bracelet and Design 1 for the earrings.

DIY Kumihimo Bracelet Kit with PIP BeadsDIY Kumihimo Bracelet Kit with PIP BeadsDIY Kumihimo Bracelet Kit with PIP Beads
> Blue Moon Bracelet Kits

DIY Kumihimo Bracelet Kit with PIP BeadsDIY Kumihimo Bracelet Kit with PIP BeadsDIY Kumihimo Bracelet Kit with PIP Beads
> Blue Moon Earring Kits

Kumihimo Jellyfish Earring Kit with PIP Beads and a Beaded Tassel

New in Gold Luster Colors...

Gold-toned PIPs with iridescent colors matched with golden duracoat Miyukis, paired with 14k gold filler leverbacks.

I got a very limited number of PIP beads in this colorway. That's the reason this colorway is only available in the earring design.

DIY Kumihimo Earring Kit with PIP BeadsDIY Kumihimo Earring Kit with PIP Beads

> Earring Kits

Check all the other colors available for these kumihimo kits with PIP beads.

> Bracelet and Necklace Kits

Kumihimo Bead Cluster Bracelet & Necklace Kits

March 22, 2024 | NEW COLOR
Bead Cluster Kumihimo Kits

Cashmere... Subtle ombré color changes create a luxurious timeless combination, all in off whites, greys, to charcoal tones with hints of oatmeal and latte. The central knot is made by making a a few crochet chain stitches.

Kumihimo with Bead and Ribbon KitKumihimo with Bead and Ribbon KitKumihimo with Bead and Ribbon Kit

> Bead Cluster Kumihimo Kits

Kumihimo with Bead and Ribbon KitKumihimo with Bead and Ribbon KitKumihimo with Bead and Ribbon Kit

Stack the bracelet...
> Ancient River Kumihimo Bracelet Kit

Chinese Knotting Cord Sale

March 6, 2024

Chinese Knotting Cord - New Colors

Just in - More Chinese Knotting Cord in the following sizes:

–> Size E with 0.4 mm Ø

–> Size F with 0.5 mm Ø

–> Size Extra Fine with 0.7 mm Ø

–> Size 1mm with 1 mm Ø

Note: Not all colors are back in stock, as some colors were not available, others have been discontinued, and some dye lots have shifted. This happens with every incoming shipment.

Heart Buttons for Valentine Jewelry

Interested in making Friendship bracelets with Heart Buttons?
Check our
Collection HERE.

Leather Warp Bracelets
Make Leather Wrap Bracelets...

Turkish Bead Crochet Bracelet
Or Turkish Bead Crochet Bracelets...

Bracelet with Heart Button for Valentine
or Crochet Chain Stitch Bracelets with Silk Ribbon available

Kumihimo Focal Beads

February 2, 2024
> New Colors | Focal Beads

We just got more colors... These large handmade focal borosilicate glass beads with large holes are hand made, one by one, in the United States by lampwork artisans, with silver or copper inclusions, plus dichroic chips inside the glass.

DIY Kumihimo Bracelet Kit, PDF Intructions & MaterialsDIY Kumihimo Bracelet Kit, PDF Intructions & MaterialsDIY Kumihimo Bracelet Kit, PDF Intructions & Materials

Jade Silver and Yellow Glow are shown with a Bead Cluster Kumihimo Projects, and New Pink Glow is shown with a Silk Ribbon Kumihimo Project.

Try one of these focal beads for your next Kumihimo project, or add one to one of your finished cords. They can even slide over some clasps!

Kumihimo Bracelet Kits

January 16, 2024
> New Kumihimo Bracelet Duo Kit

Make 2 bracelets with 2 different bead placements and combinations with the New Perlage Kumihimo Bracelet Duo Kit. The first bracelet has a ridge of rocailles beads on the top and Magatamas on the sides. The back of the braid, which lays against the wrist, has no beads and is very comfortable to wear. The second bracelet has beads all around the braid, and the braided fibers can be seen in peekaboo through the beads.

Kumihimo Bracelet KitKumihimo Bracelet KitKumihimo Bracelet Kit

This kit is also available in three other colorways: Place Vendome, Byzantium, and Marrakesh. An earlier colorway, Santorini, is sold out.

> New Kumihimo Bracelet Duo Kit

Large Focal Beads for Kumihimo

January 16, 2024
> New Perlage Colorway |
Kumihimo Necklace Plus Kit

This new colorway named Perlage is classic, light, and neutral, with a bit of fun pop added by the beads... So why the Perlage name? In French, perlage means strings of pearls, but in Italian, it refers to the size and distribution of bubbles in sparkling wines. So, Perlage is the perfect name for this color combination, as the beads reminded me of champagne bubbles while braiding the kit samples.

Kumihimo Necklace KitKumihimo Necklace KitKumihimo Necklace Kit

You can also wear all three bracelets stacked up, as shown in the picture on the right if you get both the Bracelet Duo and the Necklace Plus kits.

> Perlage Kumihimo Kit

Kumihimo Bracelet Kit

January 15, 2024
> New Colorway | Kumihimo Bracelet Kit

The bracelet made with the Ancient River Kumihimo Kit has a distinctive appearance resembling an ancient artifact discovered in an archeological dig. The colors of the fibers, the etched and matte Lily Petals, the matte finish of the Delicas, along with the seed beads' intermittent sheen all come together to create the bracelet's unique look.

DIY Kumihimo Bracelet Kit, PDF Intructions & MaterialsDIY Kumihimo Bracelet Kit, PDF Intructions & MaterialsDIY Kumihimo Bracelet Kit, PDF Intructions & Materials

This kit is also available in another colorway, Copper River in oranges and blue ombré hues.

> Ancient River Kumihimo Bracelet Kit

Pantone Color of the Year Versus C-Lon Bead Cord Colors

January 2024
> C-Lon Colors of the Year

Coloro Color of the Year compared to C-Lon Colors

The Color of the Year? Peach Fuzz by Pantone or Apricot Crush by Coloro... Why is it important? Many items will come out this year in these colors. Both colors belong to the same apricot bisque color family. I matched Peach Fuzz with Ginger, Sea Shell, Peach Glow, Tangerine, and Light Copper. For Apricot Crush, I added Copper Rose and substituted Orange, a brighter, darker shade of orange, for the more earth-tone Light Copper.


January 2024 > C-Lon Bead Cord Colors compared to the NYFW Spring 2024 New Classics
"Reliable core tones infused with a contemporary edge create new visions of tradition."

In addition to the Color of the Year, Pantone puts out fashion color palettes twice a year. I have already seen an uptick in purchases of C-Lon Bead Cord colors matching the color palettes precisely, especially the New Classics. Is it on purpose or subliminal, planned or accidental, a reflection of these color trends, or do I simply notice it more because I am aware?

For larger pictures and more on these new color trends, check my latest post on the Pantone and Coloro 2024 Color of the Year HERE and on the Pantone NYFW 2024 Spring Colors HERE.

C-Lon vs Pantone NYFW New Classics 2024
"This season's report features the top ten standout colors, as well as the five new core classics we can expect to see as fashion designers introduce their new Spring/Summer collections."
C-Lon vs Pantone NYFW Color Palette 2024
C-Lon vs Pantone NYFW Color Palette 2024



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