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C-Lon Tex 400 Cord
C-Lon Bead Cord
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Marion Jewels in Fiber
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NEWS | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 < 2020 > 19 | 18 |17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06
Multi Strand Linen Bracelets, Necklaces, and More with Fresh Water Pearls

Multi strand linen bracelets, pendants, and necklaces are easy to make and fun to wear.

> Get a kit or the tutorial and create professionally finished jewelry on your first attempt.

Freshwater Pearls with Large Holes for Multi Strand Linen or Leather Cord Jewelry

December 6 > Freshwater Pearls with Large Holes

Freshwater Pearls with Large Holes for Multi Strand Linen or Leather Cord JewelryFreshwater Pearls with Large Holes for Multi Strand Linen or Leather Cord JewelryFreshwater Pearls with Large Holes for Multi Strand Linen or Leather Cord Jewelry
Freshwater Pearls with Large Holes for Multi Strand Linen or Leather Cord JewelryFreshwater Pearls with Large Holes for Multi Strand Linen or Leather Cord JewelryFreshwater Pearls with Large Holes for Multi Strand Linen or Leather Cord Jewelry

Freshwater pearls perfect for multi strand linen bracelets, pendants, and necklaces, or for designs with 1.5mm and 2mm leather cord.

Available in 3 sizes, 6-6.5mm and 8.5-9.5mm with 1.7mm holes, and 9-10mm with 2.2mm holes, with high luster, but expect variations, as these pearls are cultivated in freshwater mussels, not factory made.

> Freshwater Pearls

Calavera Skull Beads to make Dancing Skeleton Jewelry

October 18 > Dancing Skeletons - Free Online Tutorial

Calavera Skull Beads to make Dancing Skeleton JewelryCalavera Skull Beads to make Dancing Skeleton Jewelry
Calavera Skull Beads to make Dancing Skeleton JewelryCalavera Skull Beads to make Dancing Skeleton Jewelry

Make Huesos Bailando, meaning dancing bones or dancing skeletons charms, earrings, or neckpieces with Calavera Skull Beads, Black Ebony Beads, and Chinese Knotting Cord.

Just in time for Dia De Los Muertos 2020. This year it starts on Saturday October 31, Halloween night, and ends on Monday, November 2.

The step by step tutorial is available on Marion's Artist Blog (with no ads)
> Dancing Skeleton Tutorial

Calavera Skull Beads to make Dancing Skeleton Jewelry

Find all the beads to make these dancing skeleton charms, amulets, earrings, and neckpieces. > Calavera Skull + Black Ebony Wood Beads

Calavera Skull Beads to make Dancing Skeleton JewelryCalavera Skull Beads to make Dancing Skeleton Jewelry

Calavera Beads - made out of howlite, carved, dyed and strung onto elastic cord into bracelet.

Available individually or by 15 beads stranded on an elastic cord, ready to wear as is as a bracelet. Or break the strands up and make dancing skeletons.

Black Ebony Wood Beads, with a natural sheen and luster.

Available in 6 and 10 mm in strands and in smaller quantities, if you just want to make one piece.

> Calavera + Ebony Wood Beads

Twisted Metalllic Cord

October 15 > Metallic Braided Cords

Just got more braided and twisted metallic cords in. Here is what's new:

Braided Metallic Cords in Platinum and Rich Gold in 0.9 and 0.7mm Ø by full spool of 36 or 60 meters.

Metallic Braided Nylon CordMetallic Braided Nylon Cord
Compare Colors

> Metallic Braided Cords

+ New Twisted Metallic Cords, with individual filaments twisted in a clockwise monocord type of construction. 1 mm Ø is now available in Light Aurora Borealis.
> Metallic Twisted Cords

Metal Buttons for Jewelry Making

October 14 > New Buttons

This is my third shipment of Italian metal buttons in a month. I have catalogued, photographed, and added them to the online store. My assistant has bagged and labeled them. They are now ready for your next jewelry project with a button closure.

I am always tempted to hoard the very best ones... but which ones? I choose these buttons very carefully, looking for great designs, diverse metal finishes and sizes...

Italian metal buttons make unique closures for crochet bracelets, leather wrap bracelets and so much more. The new ones have a NEW next to the listings.

> New Buttons

Woven Bracelet - Straw Weaving Method
October 13 > New Colors - Woven Bracelet Starter Kit and Tutorial

New vivid colors, more possibilities. Also if you already own the Starter Kit, you can just get the supplies without the PDF and the bag...

Woven Bracelet Tutorial and Kit | Straw Weaving Method Woven Bracelet Tutorial and Kit | Straw Weaving Method
Woven Bracelet Tutorial and Kit | Straw Weaving Method Woven Bracelet Tutorial and Kit | Straw Weaving Method
> Watch Video and see the new sample bracelets.

Check more colors for woven bracelets > Linen Yarn

> Woven Bracelets

Linen Yarn for Jewelry Making, Crochet, Woven, and Multi Strand Bracelets and Necklaces

October 12 > New Colors - Fil de Lin

Linen Yarn for Jewelry Making, Crochet, Woven, and Multi Strand Bracelets and NecklacesLinen Yarn for Jewelry Making, Crochet, Woven, and Multi Strand Bracelets and NecklacesLinen Yarn for Jewelry Making, Crochet, Woven, and Multi Strand Bracelets and Necklaces

Multi Ombré Colors - In perfect colors to warm you up... These new colors arrived a while ago, but it took me some time to make the woven and multi strand bracelets samples.

Linen Yarn for Jewelry Making, Crochet, Woven, and Multi Strand Bracelets and NecklacesLinen Yarn for Jewelry Making, Crochet, Woven, and Multi Strand Bracelets and NecklacesLinen Yarn for Jewelry Making, Crochet, Woven, and Multi Strand Bracelets and Necklaces

> Linen Yarn - Fil de Lin

Available in 10 yd bobbins, 50 yd spools and full skeins. Hand dyed in the USA, wet spun in Belgium, grown in Normandy.

Metal Buttons for Jewelry Making

September 26 > New Buttons and New Sizes...

Another shipment of Italian metal buttons just came in. They have been catalogued, photographed, and we added them to the online store. The new ones have a NEW next to them.

These buttons are fabulous as closures for crochet bracelets, leather wrap bracelets and so much more. Stock up, as availability is limited.

> New Buttons

Line Yarn for Jewelry Making

September 22 > Fil de Lin

New Colors Just In - New tonal colors perfect for jewelry making: Graphite, Pearl Grey, and Pink Champagne.

Perfect of jewelry making as the yarn is very strong, durable, and cool to wear.

Available in 10 yd bobbins and 50 yd spools. Wet spun in Belgium into a 16/4 yarn, that's a 4 ply yarn.

> Linen Yarn - Fil de Lin

Metal Buttons for Jewelry Making

September 22 > New Buttons

We just got a new shipment of metal buttons. All high quality Italian Metal Buttons made on special order for the fashion industry, and not usually available commercially.

Tina from La Verkin, Utah loves our buttons... See her comments HERE!

Ultra Bamboo, Silk and Nylon Knit Ribbon Yarn for Jewelry Making and Woven Bracelets

August 23 > Ultra Knit Yarns

100% Bamboo knit yarn, or a silk rayon and nylon mix round knitted yarn, or 100% nylon flat textured ribbon.

Ultra Bamboo, Silk and Nylon Knit Ribbon Yarn for Jewelry Making and Woven BraceletsUltra Bamboo, Silk and Nylon Knit Ribbon Yarn for Jewelry Making and Woven Bracelets
Ultra Bamboo, Silk and Nylon Knit Ribbon Yarn for Jewelry Making and Woven BraceletsUltra Bamboo, Silk and Nylon Knit Ribbon Yarn for Jewelry Making and Woven Bracelets

These yarns can be added to woven bracelets with linen yarn and metallic cord.

I originally got these materials to test for kumihimo...

> Ultra Knit Yarns

Woven Bracelet - Straw Weaving Method
August 11 > Woven Bracelet Starter Kit and Tutorial

Woven bracelets made with the straw weaving method are easy to make and fun to wear.

Woven Bracelet Tutorial and Kit | Straw Weaving Method Woven Bracelet Tutorial and Kit | Straw Weaving Method
Woven Bracelet Tutorial and Kit | Straw Weaving Method Woven Bracelet Tutorial and Kit | Straw Weaving Method

Start with a 3 straw woven bracelet made out of linen yarn and metallic cord, then move on to the 5 straw design.

> Woven Bracelets
Linen Yarn for Jewelry Making, Crochet, Woven, and Multi Strand Bracelets and Necklaces

August 11 > Fil de Lin
August 25 + More Colors + Skeins

Linen yarn made with flax grown in Normandy, France, wet spun in Belgium, and hand dyed in the USA.

Available in 16/4, a 4 ply yarn in natural linen, bleached white, and hand dyed in tonal and multi ombré colors.

Linen Yarn for Jewelry Making, Crochet, Woven, and Multi Strand Bracelets and NecklacesLinen Yarn for Jewelry Making, Crochet, Woven, and Multi Strand Bracelets and Necklaces

In addition to woven bracelets shown above, make multi strand and crochet bracelets with this linen yarn. The tutorial for these bracelets are coming out soon. For more info, sign up for newsletters here.

> Fil de Lin - Linen Yarn

Flax Field

August 11 > Linen Yarn and Tape

I have been looking for a while to add linen for jewelry making.

Linen is made out of the fibers from flax plants. Linen is incredibly strong, long lasting, natural, and easy to clean. It dries quickly and does not retain moisture, making it a cool choice for jewelry for hot weather.

Linen Tape for Bead Crochet and Multi Strand Necklaces and Bracelets

In addition the the linen yarn listed above, we also brought in Linen Tape from Japan for multi strand and crochet bracelets. The tutorial for these bracelets are coming out soon. For more info, sign up for newsletters here.

> Linen

Nylon Paper Ribbon

August 11 > Nylon Paper Ribbon

This is a unique nylon paper yarn or ribbon hand dyed in ombre colors.

Nylon Paper Ribbon

It is perfect to add texture to woven bracelets with linen yarn. About 5 mm wide strips of nylon paper machine stitched with a shimmery nylon thread. Very strong with a little stretch.

I originally got the material to test for kumihimo...

> Nylon Paper Ribbon

Silk Tape

August 11 > 100% Silk Tape

Made out of silk threads laid side by side and bonded by a permanent root vegetable sizing into a tape about 2mm wide. The silk tape reflects light and is shimmery. It is incredibly strong, permanent, and has a no stretch.

Nylon Paper Ribbon

Add this silk tape to linen yarn for multi strand bracelets. Or turn this silk tape into chain stitch bead crochet bracelets and necklaces... For more info, sign up for newsletters here.

> 100% Silk Tape

Latex-Free Premium Soft Polyester Nylon Blend Elastic Cord for Masks


> Flat and Round Elastic Cord

Available in 1/4" and 1/8" flat, and 3/32" round braids.

Premium super soft perfect for masks braided in the USA out of latex-free polyester nylon blend elastic thread.

Very similar to the elastic cords on surgical masks, but even softer.

Latex-Free Premium Soft Polyester Nylon Blend Elastic Cord for MasksLatex-Free Premium Soft Polyester Nylon Blend Elastic Cord for Masks

This is for my friends and customers who are sewing masks and frustrated with out of stock hard elastic from commercial sources... Keep on sewing, unfortunately, it looks like we will be wearing masks for a while...

New Leather Cord for Jewelry

June 14 > New 1.5mm Leather Cords from China

Now available in Natural, Distressed Red and Brown, Light Grey, Grey, Brown, Black, and Metallic Antique Gold and Silver. The new colors shown on left are in bold.

This 1.5mm leather from China is as strong as Greek leather. The cord is smooth, strong and even. The natural and distressed colors, are beautiful, with a natural feel and much stronger than Indian leather. The coated colors have a great sheen and a slicker look than the Greek leather.

COMBO KITS - Square Knot Trio + Multi Strand Bracelet + Gift Boxes


> Combo - Square Knot Trio + Multi Strand Bracelets

COMBO KITS - Square Knot Trio + Multi Strand Bracelet + Gift BoxesCOMBO KITS - Square Knot Trio + Multi Strand Bracelet + Gift BoxesCOMBO KITS - Square Knot Trio + Multi Strand Bracelet + Gift Boxes
COMBO KITS - Square Knot Trio + Multi Strand Bracelet + Gift Boxes
COMBO KITS - Square Knot Trio + Multi Strand Bracelet + Gift BoxesCOMBO KITS - Square Knot Trio + Multi Strand Bracelet + Gift Boxes

We packaged the two tutorials and materials in boxes for Stitches West in February when we could still have in person shows. Now the boxes are available HERE.

> Check Combo Boxes with the Square Knot Trio + Multi Strand Bracelets

Variegated Rayon Ribbon for Kumihimo


> Variegated Rayon Ribbon

Variegated Rayon Ribbon for Kumihimo

Try these ribbons for Kumihimo necklace and bracelets.

This is the same yarn used for 'Twilight", the knitted necklace on page 48 in Betsy Beads, the book by Betsy Hershberg.

> Check the Kumihimo Necklace and Bracelet Kits and Tutorials made with this ribbon!

Metallic Twisted Cords

June 2 - Twisted Metallic Cord
New Colors for Micro Macrame, Kumihimo, and Tassels

> 4 Colors - 5 Sizes

Metallic Twisted CordMetallic Twisted Cord
Rich Silver , Rich Gold

Metallic Twisted CordMetallic Twisted Cord
Light and Dark Aurora Borealis

Try these cords for metallic accent. I really like the 0.5mm size doubled over for Cavandoli knotting with C-Lon Tex 400 Bead Cord.

> Metallic Twisted Cord

Kumihimo Bracelets on Sale


April 20 - Just in
More Kanagawa and Fujix Tire Silk

More silk cards came in today. This is how I keep my collection, I organise the cards by colors rather than by number and when I am run out of a color I add a sticky note s a reminder to replace the card when it is back in stock as I like to have all the colors to choose from.

Why is the silk so amazing? It is truly the finest filament silk available worldwide made into a 3-ply buttonhole twist silk thread.
> Kanagawa and Fujix Tire Silk


Tibetan Knot Bracelet Tutorial | Learn Interlocking Snake Knots the Easy Way!

April 14 - Tibetan Snake Knot Bracelet Tutorial and Starter Kits

Tibetan Knot Bracelet Tutorial | Learn Interlocking Snake Knots the Easy Way! Tibetan Knot Bracelet Tutorial | Learn Interlocking Snake Knots the Easy Way!
Tibetan Knot Bracelet Tutorial | Learn Interlocking Snake Knots the Easy Way! Tibetan Knot Bracelet Tutorial | Learn Interlocking Snake Knots the Easy Way!

I made these starter kits for Stitches West. They sold out at the show, and I run out of some of the cords... My first order for Tibetan Buddhist Cord just arrived yesterday, so yes, now I can make more kits for you. This is a great project for the whole family!

> Tibetan Bracelet Starter Kits

> Tibetan Buddhist 5 Color Cord

KO Beading Thread Size D

January 28
K.O. Beading Thread Size D

This thread is a monocord thread bonded and pre-waxed just as the thinner K.O Beading Thread, but it is thicker.

So if you found the standard K.O. a bit thin, this thread might be perfect for you.

33 yards - 20 m - Tex 45 (440 dtex)
7 lb. breaking strength
Wound on Cards - 100% Nylon
Made in Japan

> K.O. Beading Thread Size D

Personal Note - This a new product I just started to carry. Let me know what you think.


Heart Button for Valentine Day

January 23 - Heart Buttons
for Valentine Day Bracelets

Check all the heart buttons - they are now all on one page for your convenience. > Heart Buttons

Leather Wrap Bracelet Kit and Tutorial

Or make leather wrap bracelets with a heart button closure. > Get a kit

Turkish Flat Bead Crochet Bracelet Kit and TutorialTurkish Flat Bead Crochet Bracelet Kit and Tutorial

Or try a crocheted bracelet kit with heart buttons. > Get a kit

SuperMax Thread Burner/Super Thread Zapper

January 20
SuperMax Thread Burner

This is an essential tool for anyone working with synthetic thread and cord. Several brands are available. Each has special features and advantages. Know your choices before purchasing.

> Post Comparing Brands

> Get a Thread Burner

6mm Czech Fire Polished Beads for Bracelets with C-Lon Tex 400 Cord

January 16
4mm Czech Fire Polished Beads
Spotlight on New Beads + Finishes

6mm Czech Fire Polished Beads for Bracelets with C-Lon Tex 400 Cord

The Aqua AB/Graphite is a new addition. Shown on left made into a SQK Bracelet Trio Design 3, along with Crystal AB Argento, and Magic Vitrail.

These three bracelets put the spotlight on these amazing finishes with AB finishes over transparent beads and partial metallic luster or partial metallic coating. These beads are super luminescent as light goes through the transparent beads and reflects back from the metallic finish, reminiscent of illuminated stained glass windows.

> 4mm Czech Fire Polished Beads

6mm Czech Fire Polished Beads for Bracelets with C-Lon Tex 400 Cord

January 7
New Year - New Beads
6mm Czech Fire Polished Beads

Available in 3 finishes: Etched Vitrail, Etched Argento, and Etched Gold Ore.

6mm Czech Fire Polished Beads for Bracelets with C-Lon Tex 400 Cord6mm Czech Fire Polished Beads for Bracelets with C-Lon Tex 400 Cord
6mm Czech Fire Polished Beads for Bracelets with C-Lon Tex 400 Cord6mm Czech Fire Polished Beads for Bracelets with C-Lon Tex 400 Cord
Shown set in Halo Beads as charms.

The fully etched metallic finishes of these beads are amazing. I did not think I would like damaged beads... But wow, I am entranced by their raw look, especially when contrasted with the clean look of the Halo Beads.

> 6mm Czech Fire Polished Beads

6mm Czech Fire Polished Beads for Bracelets with C-Lon Tex 400 Cord

January 7 - New Year - New Kits
New Combos - New Colors - New Look - New Beads

6mm Czech Fire Polished Beads for Bracelets with C-Lon Tex 400 Cord6mm Czech Fire Polished Beads for Bracelets with C-Lon Tex 400 Cord

Combine 6mm Czech Fire Polished Beads with Halo Beads to make the SQK Bracelet Trio, Design 1.

6mm Czech Fire Polished Beads for Bracelets with C-Lon Tex 400 Cord6mm Czech Fire Polished Beads for Bracelets with C-Lon Tex 400 Cord

Stack these bracelets with Design 3, and the Multi Strand Bracelets for a new look!

> Square Knot Bracelet Trio and Multi Strand Bracelets Stacks


January 2 - 2020 Pantone Color of the Year compared to C-Lon Bead Cord and More
Calm and confident, this enduring blue hue highlights our desire for a dependable and stable foundation on which to build as we cross the threshold into a new era. - Written by Pantone

Hey that's a good color to bring in the new decade - Happy 2020! > Post with More Info on Classic Blue

Pantone 2020 Color of the Year
> C-Lon Bead Cord (0.5 mm)
> Tex 400 Heavyweight (0.9 mm)
> Fine Weight (0.4mm)
Try for Indigo (IND) and Navy (N)

> Chinese Knotting Cord
Look for 516-Lapis, 517-Washed Navy, 518-Midnight, and 519-Deep Navy

> Kanagawa/Fujix Tire Silk
Try KNK-153 and KNK-150

Pantone 2020 color of the Year

2020 Pantone Spring/Summer Fashion Colors Compared with C-Lon Bead Cord Colors

The 2020 Neutrals
Versatile and naturally sophisticated, these neutral hues serve as singular color statements or as foundations for playful color contrasts with the other fashion colors of the year. 

I am always surprised when several customers from different part of the country order the same exact colors, the same exact day... Is is serendipity or did they read a post somewhere recommending specific colors?

> See all the 2020 Pantone Fashion Colors



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